Sunday, April 16, 2006

When Jack got back he had a beautiful guest cabin for a week. You entered into the bedroom, through French doors was the living room, and then outside was the big balcony, right off the end of the ship. Talk about travelling in style.

We spent seven days sleeping with the patio doors open and ordering room service. Such a nice week.

This is a picture of the beautiful necklace Jack brought me from Israel. It is a hamsa, meant to protect the wearer. The stone is blue opal. I love it.

Steven and Cheryl came up for lunch one day.

Love this picture....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 DAYS!!!!

you two look so happy together, you compliment eachother:)

11:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Myra,

Just got back from the long Easter weekend, and of course, the first thing I do is check your blog. It so nice to see the pictures of you and of course, Jack too. You guys are sure living it up - it's great!! Enjoy while you're young.
Take care and soon Eliza will be visiting you.


9:40 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


OMG what a life.....Looks like you and Jack were meant to be together. Just makes me come back to what I said to you before. (Someone special was waiting for you on that ship before you even got there). Sounds like you're living the high life. Miss you lots. Can't wait to see you and meet Jack too. He must be special if he got your attention....

Love Aunt Yvonne

11:10 a.m.  

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