My Favourite Place on Earth
Sunset on Arichat harbour.
Well, I'm home now, for a few days before I fly out. I love coming home; for me there is no place I've ever been where I feel happier or more at peace than my house in Arichat. The people here, my family, deserve a blog entry of their own, because they are the most important things in my life, but there is definitely some magic in this tiny part of the world.
I love the slow pace of rural Cape Breton. I love sunny mornings in my parents' house full of wood and plants and the ocean in the backyard. I love the constant music and the steady stream of family and friends visiting, and my Mom's fantastic cooking.
A few pictures; just the smallest example of what it feels like to be home...
(If you want to see a full screen version, just click on the photo)
Morning in my kitchen
Back yard
Skipping rocks
Blue heron
Return from Back Beach
Hi Sweetie,
I must admit, when you say you live in the most beautiful place on Earth, I believe you. The incredibly unique bond you have between eye and lense give us all a little treat as you prove, once again, your gift for photography. As always, your photos are beautiful.
I know I'm won't be the only one eagerly awaiting the photos you have in store for us from your adventures. I promise myself to see the isle you call home in the near future. The way you speak of it; I have no doubt that it is as amazing as you praise it to be. I am, however expecting a personally guided tour... if it's not too much to ask.
I'll be talking to you soon,
Love, Matty...
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