Tuesday, November 29, 2005

My Favourite Place on Earth

Sunset on Arichat harbour.

Well, I'm home now, for a few days before I fly out. I love coming home; for me there is no place I've ever been where I feel happier or more at peace than my house in Arichat. The people here, my family, deserve a blog entry of their own, because they are the most important things in my life, but there is definitely some magic in this tiny part of the world.

I love the slow pace of rural Cape Breton. I love sunny mornings in my parents' house full of wood and plants and the ocean in the backyard. I love the constant music and the steady stream of family and friends visiting, and my Mom's fantastic cooking.

A few pictures; just the smallest example of what it feels like to be home...

(If you want to see a full screen version, just click on the photo)

Morning in my kitchen

Back yard

Skipping rocks

Blue heron

Return from Back Beach

Thursday, November 17, 2005

~ I wanted to sail beyond the sunset... I wanted to follow Ulysses' example and fill life once more to overflowing. ~

I got the call.

I fly to Miami on December 3 to meet The Summit, a ship owned by Celebrity Cruises. I am excited, scared, hopeful, stressed and sad.

It is going to be very hard to leave friends and family, especially knowing that I won't be home for Christmas. BUT, I am lucky enough to be joining a ship that has four of my friends on it already! And we're going to spend Christmas in Hawaii!

There is lots for me to do in the next few weeks, but I am posting some recent photos now and will try to add more soon.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Getting Started

This photo is of a beautiful deck my Dad is building at my parents' house in Cape Breton... it was taken on an incredible early October day this year.

I've said for some time that I planned to create a live journal as a record of my travels when I leave on a cruise ship. While there is still no confirmed date for my departure, I thought I'd get this site underway.

I hope it will be a combination of my favourite photography, a mini-journal, and a reflection of some of my thoughts. I also hope it will grow more creative as I learn more about blogging.

I think I will have fun creating this site, and I hope that whoever ends up looking at it will enjoy whatever incarnations it may take...

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